When it comes to the web...

We make it easy.

With over 20 years of experience in advertising, production and web design, InterCreative Media has the creativity, vision and tech savvy to help you get the job done. So don’t sweat it — just call us. And relax.

How can we help you?

Promoting a product line? Launching a web initiative? Need to create a web presence for your non-profit? Running for office? We’ve done all of these and much more…. just ask!

Web Design

When it comes to web design, the choices can be overwhelming. For your site to fulfill its mission, the right balance between look, message and functionality is what it takes to make it work.


We're experts in Drupal, WordPress and familiar with other platforms/languages, so if you need work in PHP, CSS, Javascript, HTML and/or more, you've come to the right place.


30 years of advertising has left its mark. Language is where we shine, whether it be just making your point, coming up with a winning tagline or anything in between.

Social Media

Our social media team can formulate a strategy to maximize your social media presence. And when you coordinate PR with a vibrant web presence, great things can happen.


Our Director of Viral Marketing, Julie Lamb, is well-known in the world of crypto, having produced events across the US through her company NFT-VIP.io. Julie knows crypto like few others do.

Help & Support

We pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service. Prompt and reliable, we'll always go the extra mile when it comes to making your web experience as pleasant as possible.


Some of our work.

Suozzi for Congress - 2024
Verona Appliances
Verona Appliances
US Green Building Council
Suffolk County Democrats
Suffolk County Democrats

Our Customers

Our clients cover a lot of ground — private sector, public sector, entertainment and more. Send us a message to see how we might be able to work together.

Suffolk County Democrats
Verona Appliances
Suozzi for Congress

"Amazing Designs and Quality Work!"

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John Doe
CEO, Acme Inc.

Meet Our Leadership

Directors Billy, Jon and Julie head up the InterCreative Media team.

Billy James Cobin

Billy James Cobin

Founder / Creative Director

Jon Stone

Jon Stone

Political Director

Julie Lamb

Julie Lamb

Director of Viral Marketing

Would you like to start a project with us?

Just call or click on the button to reach out to us from the contact page. Thanks and we’ll look forward to hearing from you!